The Future of Texting While Driving In Florida
Florida’s state capitol is considering a new legislation that would make texting while driving in Florida a primary instead of a secondary offense. According to 10news, the original legislation that made texting while driving a secondary offence took four years to pass, and it is unclear how long it will take to see if this new legislation will pass as well.
The legislation that made texting while driving a secondary offense in Florida was initiated by Democrats, but this new piece has a Republican supporter.
What are Florida current texting while driving laws?
As of 2013, texting while driving became a secondary offense in Florida. That means a driver must be pulled over for another offence before an officer can ticket the driver for texting while driving.
A texting while driving offense in Florida currently costs just $30.
The new legislation wants to make texting while driving a primary offense, which means an officer can pull someone over and ticket him or her for texting while driving alone.
What are the impacts of texting while driving laws?
Currently 48 states have some form of law about texting while driving. However, in states where texting behind the wheel is a primary offense, traffic fatalities related to the offense have gone down by 3%. The greatest decrease occurred in the 15-21 year olds, which saw an 11% decrease in traffic fatalities due to texting while driving. In states where texting while driving became a secondary offense, almost no change was seen. It is believed, therefore, that having texting and driving listed as a secondary offense is not as effective because it is harder to enforce.
Regardless, according to, experts are confused as so to why the decrease is not more significant in states where texting while driving is a primary offense.
There are 44 states that have made texting while driving a primary offense, and 14 states have banned cell phone use (texting, calling, or otherwise) while driving.
What do you think about texting while driving?
Many want to see texting while driving become a primary offense. When you’re driving on the freeway, the last thing you want to see is someone whose eyes are glued to a phone. On the other hand, people don’t want to lose their freedom and wish to make their own choices and stay self-responsible.
Either way, the legislation is in motion and now the government will decide whether or not to make texting while driving a primary offense. What are your thoughts on texting while driving laws?
Categorized in: Driving, Florida, Safety Tips, States