Quick Fourth of July Safety Facts You Need to Know

Quick Fourth of July Safety Facts You Need to Know
The Fourth of July is a time of celebration as we remember everything that makes America great. But the crowds, parties, and fireworks can make the holiday a dangerous one. Here are some quick Independence Day facts to keep in mind:
Fireworks are a staple of celebrating America’s independence, but every year thousands of people go to the hospital because of injuries from them. Most of the injured are our most vulnerable: children. Kids have less experience and less impulse control, a bad combination around objects designed to burn brightly (sparklers can reach 2,000°F!) and explode. Always supervise children, and make sure you always take proper safety precautions.
Fire is another concern—using fireworks in dry areas can quickly start a blaze that goes out of control. If you’re going to be lighting anything, make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy. Use a bucket of water to discard matches and used fireworks; many can smolder for a long time after going off and start a fire after you’ve left the area.
Drinking is common at Fourth of July celebrations, which can cause more problems. Always know your limit, and if you are going to set off fireworks, do so before you start drinking.
Driving may be more dangerous.If you are out drinking, make sure you have a designated driver when traveling by car. Because of the crowds and the parties, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says July 4 is the most dangerous and deadliest day to drive. Even if you won’t be drinking, there will be more hazards than usual on the road. Drive safely.
Pets face additional dangers during the holiday. The noise and crowds can spook even the calmest animals. More pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other day, so leave your furry family members safely inside at home. Even ones that are used to being outside can get spooked and run away.

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